
I was determined to run this morning, so got up early before it was too hot.  I ran the same route, which is almost five miles, and did it slightly faster, which is a miracle.  However, it was still very slow due to the heat.  There was a slight breeze, which was really helpful.  I took a slight detour and ran across a wheat field (there is a path), but it was very hard on my feet, so won’t be doing that again.  We then had a quiet morning.  I mainly sat in the garden and read my book.
After lunch TT and I headed to Hindringham Hall – a beautiful moated manor, which we last visited seven years ago.  The house is wonderful (it’s not open), the gardens are wonderful and even the medieval fish ponds are really interesting.  After our wander we retreated to the new (since we were last there) café and sat indoors, out of the sun and enjoyed the most wonderful elderflower cake.
We then moved on to Wells Next The Sea, where we had a lovely late afternoon stroll along the front and the coast path.  It was very hot and I had the wrong shoes on (and my feet are still recovering from last week’s blisters), so we didn’t go too far, but came back through the town and had a wander up the colourful main street.
Once home we cooled down with Pimms in the garden.  TT made a lovely prawn and courgette curry and I enjoyed the fruit from the Pimms jug for dessert!!  It has been a very hot day.
This is Wells-next-the-sea.  The extra is Hindringham Hall – looking over the moat. 

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