Cake Tuesday

My planned visit to my first cousin, twice removed (aged 12 days) was postponed so the fall back is a blip of S's birthday cake, bought by C. Patisserie Valerie Black Forest Gateau. The team decided in March we'd have cake for birthdays. S was on holiday when it was his birthday so we waited for his return - chocolate sponge, lashings of cream and kirsch (? soaked cherries).

Back to work today and another day of the technology failing, but all is going to get better, I am promised. Booked another journey to London and then to the choir committee. A short meeting as chair, J, was only back a couple of hours from Majorca and her watch was still on Spanish time.

Sunny day, beautiful evening and the cherry blossom is just about out on the Canongate churchyard. I will miss walking through Jawbone Walk under a hail of pink blossom.

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