The curse of hair rage

'Will you just cut this damn bit of hair off (pulling fringe quite hard), i've told you a million times I can't stand it, I tell you every morning, why don't you ever get anyone to cut my hair, you're so annoying, you never listen to me, just cut if off now will you I can't stand it any more. It looks so stupid'.

'Which bit'?

'This bit for god's sake (pulling fringe quite violently), can't you see, are you blind?'

'No I can see it, I can cut if off but it might look rubbish and then you'll be really cross with me (and lots of other shouty, we're going to be late for school and i'm not a hairdresser and i've only got these blunt kitchen scissors kind of stuff)'.

'Well don't cut it then. oh just cut it will you'.


We were a little bit late for school.

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