Blow Your Top

I had two important things to do today.  Ann had driven over to Stratford for a dentist appointment so I was on my own.  The first thing was to post the annual calendar to my sister in Australia. We exchange calendars every year, the postage is normally more than twice the value of the present, still it's Christmas so that's OK.

The second thing I had to do was to get a haircut.  I've needed one for a while now and there are loads of barbers in Worcester,  and therein lies the problem.  I'm happy if I have a choice of one, but when there's,many it gets more difficult.  Anyway I settled on one on Friar Street a few days ago and today I had my haircut.  I was pleased with the result and will almost certainly use them again.

I took this picture as I left the hairdresser's. The building next door is a Thai restaurant though it may not have been used for that purpose back in mediaeval times!

Later, when Ann arrived safely back from Stratford,  we wandered in for a coffee at Impasto then spent some time in a large toy shop looking for stuff for Raffy.

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