So here's how it is....
I'm incredibly intelligent. You possibly won't have encountered anyone quite as bright before, and therefore you may not actually recognise my brilliance. But don't worry, I'll keep harping on about it.
I'm also outrageously good looking, sexy, witty, clever (have I mentioned that I'm clever?)....and I'm a team player who's out for number one always supportive.
I'm passionate about winning - at any cost. I will like, literally stand on the face of anyone who looks better than me at me sideways...and I'm really clever about it.
I am an internationally recognised sales assistant, manager, director with sizzling people skills and a ruthless, incisive mind. I'm borderline psychopath genius....and I'm a natural arse leader, winner, decision maker....
This is the first draft of my application letter for next year's 'Apprentice'....what do you think? Too modest?
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