Well! It has to be done?

This morning I went to such an interesting hour & a half at church on Prophesies & Promises. It was the first of 3 sessions.
Then I ventured to do shopping. Hurrah I managed to get the scooter, armed with the scanner & my shopping list( oh no I didn't?) I set off to complete the task , but after getting my usual Radio Times I realised I had lost my S/ L . So I just soldiered on & paid for goods & returned scooter only to find my list on the floor where I had collected the scooter, not only that there was just 1 item I'd for gotten not bad for this 80+++++ brain is it?.
I had such a lot of kind people help me today plus my neighbours saw me as I arrived home & took my bags indoors.
On the whole there's a lot of helpful people in the world. Thank you all who helped me this morning.
As you can see from above I started a few
bits for Christmas, it'll be on us in no time now. I know not everyone sends cards but I know people who really like opening them. When I worked as a district nurse in the 70's/80's my patients looked forward to this occasion. So, a little bit of kindness is worth a whole heap of pity.
Do hope you've all had a pleasant day, it has stayed dry here which makes it better to go out walking.

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