Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

The Bees Knees

I went out to put some seeds on the kitchen windowsill and discovered this little honeybee trying to warm itself in a patch of sun.  I moved it from the window to some lavender that is still blooming.  It's cold today so the wee thing was moving very slowly - ideal for a handheld macro.  I love the big orange pollen sacks on its legs, reminding me to the leg warmers that were so stylish in the '80's.  

We're waiting for news of my niece.  She went into surgery about 2.5 hours ago so it's too soon for her to be out, but we remain anxious.  And for everyone who sent prayers, energy and good wishes - thank you.  

Almost time to take Jax for a walk - I'll have to bundle up a bit because it's much cooler today and also quite windy.  But the boy needs a walk and who am I to deny that?

Dark with blood orange today...


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