
By KCNQ2Haiku

Salad Spinner

Is there anything
more fun than spinning salad??
Ben says he thinks not :-D

I had a morning with my Home-Start family, lovely walk and a baby play group.  School were ringing me a bit though as Ben's blood sugars were high.  I asked them to change his insulin pump and see if it helped.. it was a mixed bag - it initially seemed to help and then regressed again...  I had a quick lunch at home and then sat in the car outside school for a telephone appointment with Ben's psychiatrist, I like to alternate them between telephone and face to face so that sometimes I can speak more openly about things Ben's struggling with or behaviour difficulties without Ben having to sit and listen to all the negativity.  Nothing much came out of it today, it was quite useful to summarise the last few months for her, it made me think that overall we are doing pretty well at the moment.  So there's no changes to meds or routine suggested for now.  I then fetched Ben from school and he was with three members of staff, had no glasses on and only one shoe.  Not a good sign.  He was anxious about his high bloods, got in the car shouting at me and started leaning over the back seat, looking in the boot (I still haven't put the parcel shelf back in after our holiday!) I told the staff I would handle it but then he continued shouting and trying to climb over the back seat into the boot.  Inevitably he then got stuck.  I do love car park drama.  Sigh :-/  I opened the boot and managed to heave him through, which it has to be said, he thoroughly enjoyed (also sigh)... I made him do some star jumps and shake it off and then he got in the car without any further fuss.  Great when it all settles without major mayhem :-D  At home we waited for a shopping delivery and then made some pesto.  This is Ben drying the basil in the salad spinner.  Great sensory activity! 

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