Bonfire Night

No bonfires noticeable round here and it may well be that many would have been too soggy to burn properly after all the rain.

As a child I loved bonfire night. I have good memories of dad lighting the fire and us baking potatoes in the embers. We did have a few fireworks but  they were expensive so we only had a few. Roman candles , sparklers,  (no bangers)! 
One fateful Bonfire night the Catherine wheel spun off the pear tree , where dad had nailed it and landed in the tin with the (untill then) unused fireworks. Off they all went together. My mum was not amused. 

Tonight we heard a few fireworks ( why do they have to be too loud? ) Maybe people have decided they are too expensive and went to one of the local displays  instead. 

Bonfire night was originally called bone fire night and really what we are celebrating is pretty gruesome, if we were to consider the facts but for most people it's a night to enjoy in this dark month.
Quick blip outside the door showing the rising moon. 

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