What a Surprise!

Imagine my shock at finding my Aussie daughter at the door on Sunday afternoon.  I'd just sat down after clearing up the rooms we'd been using for bookmaking and I got a What's App communication from her to say that someone was at the door with something for me - and there she was.  It took me a few seconds to realise it was her - a total surprise and unexpected.  It turned out that the Sydney Rugby Club, where John coaches the women's team, had asked him to come over to the UK to scout for talented players and he'd managed to persuade them that Adele should be able to travel with him, so there she was, on the doorstep.  They've been staying in a hotel in York, and as it was my sisters birthday and she and Linda were staying in a caravan in Cayton Bay we all met up for a birthday lunch in Whitby. And the sun came out and the light was gorgeous and it was so good to see everyone together,

We ate in The Fisherman's Wife seafood restaurant, which overlooks the pier and the seafront, and to add to my surprise, friends Jackie and Lorraine also arrived independently for lunch.  It had been Jackie's birthday last Friday and they had booked their usual cottage at Sandsend for a few days.  

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