Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Mr Beanie

My constant companion in these days of high energy prices and cold wet winters. Being a bright colour makes it easier to find. 

Another desperately rainy day; ‘tis the season of all pervasive damp. And nothing worth photographing, unless you want a shot of the cavernous interior of Costco, where we went at lunchtime. Cheap kitchen roll ‘though.

A day when I got depressed about the state of the world again. It’s all going wrong in America. The Ukraine drags on into a Russian winter. Netanyahu is back in Israel. COP 27 is a joke. 

On a personal front I am making some short videos explaining my relationship with Blipfoto. Have done two so far:

"Strongly Held Beliefs" https://youtu.be/HpZRyTVddlE

"Mum" https://youtu.be/hAa2UZ6JUu4

Very amateur I know but I am just a beginner…

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