Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH

Mono Monday: Fika

It's a funny old world, isn't it?  I mean, take today's Mono Monday theme, 'Fika'.  It's something Swedish that has become popular here in recent years.  Now, when I was growing up, we had 'elevenses', or 'a cuppa'; it might be 'time for a coffee' or perhaps 'a nice cup of tea and a sit down'.  It's even been referred to as 'get that b****y kettle on'.  At work it was 'break time' or a 'water cooler moment' or for some, simply a 'fag break'.  But now it's Fika.  But is it any different?  I mean, it's just a hot drink and a slice of Battenburg, isn't it?  Now I'll grant you, Fika sounds a bit more sheepskin rugs and scented candles than chipped mugs and a two bar electric fire but surely it's the same thing at heart?

So here's my Fika moment.  I don't drink tea and I have two coffees in the morning that are strong enough to keep an elephant awake so anything later in the day has to be hot chocolate or, if it's cold, Bovril.  Now, where's that Battenburg?

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