Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Up on the roof …

26 degrees and a clear sky … apparently it’s warmer than normal for November, I don’t care it’s lovely !! Mind you it’s very chilly in the evening.
Today I drove us to a place called Lemon tree market , it’s absolutely ENORMOUS and to be quite honest it’s overwhelming . I think we only saw probably a third of the place and we were there 2 and a half hours . We did sit and enjoy a coffee for a while though . I only got a pair of sunglasses for ten euros . Velvet frog got some costume jewellery .
I also drove us into the local town for dinner this evening , my hire car is a rather lovely big Jeep . Fits us three plus Po’s mum and dad in pretty well … tomorrow I’m driving us all to Benidorm, I’ve been before and the old town is beautiful , you just have to ignore all the high rise holiday hotels and apartments in the newer part .

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