
By KCNQ2Haiku

Zebra in the wild

Soggy, rainy day.
Accurate description for 
now until spring, sigh.

Wet day, it's not an interesting description.. but an accurate one at least.  Took this wild Zebra out for a walk in the morning.  He started with a coat on but quickly removed it - zebras must be warm blooded.  Had another walk by the river this afternoon, met a few dog walkers but not many others.  It really was quite soggy under foot.  Ben is enjoying his new wellies though - his motto... "why go around a puddle, when you can wade right through it??"
That's about it.  Read a bit of a book, Ben has been watching Jamie Oliver shows again and finding them hilarious.  Did some Spanish revision with the older teen.. doesn't Spanish have a lot of different past tenses :-/ ??  It seems unnecessary to me! 
Feeling a bit daunted by another busy week ahead, nobody ever really likes the Sunday night feeling do they?  It'll all be OK when it gets going.  
But for now, Ben wants assistance with his "Map Project".  Be afraid.

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