The Director

Tonight's Southern Circuit Film was Outta The Muck and the man on the left is the director/film maker.  He had a powerful message and stayed to chat with the audience of about 20 people after the film.  He talked about racism and the need to come together and let go of the hate on both sides and so much more.  The man on the right is the owner of the little theater and is doing a wonderful job with presenting these movies and the discussions that go along with them.  One more photo in Extra.  We've never walked to the Bar because if we had an adult beverage before the movie, we'd probably be asleep before it was over. But I am a bit intrigued - maybe next time we can get a soda pop.  After all, this part of Wilmington is known as the "Soda pop" district, named for the big Coca Cola plant that used to be here.

Oops, looks like I'm out of Extras. Have to figure out how to delete some older ones.

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