
By KCNQ2Haiku


Steam off the river
tempted me to the water.
Perfect autumn day.

I was supposed to be busy this morning but on the motorway journey to school the sun was shining so brightly and as we drove over the river the mist was rising in the crisp, wintery light and I bargained with myself that if I rushed through everything else I could spare an hour to walk around the lake with my camera :-D I was so glad I did.  It was a gorgeous morning, really cold but so clear.  The swans were having a ball, dipping their necks in the water and showing off!  There was a heron watching everything from afar and one of the other walkers said someone had seen a Kingfisher today but I wasn't that lucky! Tried to take Ben's glasses in for mending and weirdly the shop was shut and not answering the phone, so that's a bit of a pain.  Hopefully they'll be open tomorrow.  I sorted out a couple of annoying prescriptions that required chasing down and made it back in time to pop for lunch with Mr KCNQ2Haiku, so that was a nice treat.  We try to do it as often as possible on Friday lunchtimes but it's been a few weeks since we were both free and without the boys!  It gives us an opportunity to put the world to rights and make elaborate life plans that don't typically transpire... but you never know :-D
Hoovered the hall and stairs, spoke to my Dad (and his cousin who was there coincidentally), fielded a few messages and picked up Ben from school.  He was a little wired from his Dojo shop - which is where they spend their good behaviour points on a Friday.  But overall he managed OK and it seemed like his day was better.  It was raining at home so he was a bit grumpy about not being able to go on the trampoline.  After we'd made tea etc I offered Monopoly instead and we had a really long (for him) game which was really enjoyable, it's the olympic version so instead of hotels etc you get stands and stadia.  He managed to get a stadium on one of his properties and I had to pay M550 when I landed on it.  He was beside himself with joy which was quite entertaining!!  
Right that's it.  Happy Friday One and All :-D

PS don't get me started on the fireworks, grumble grumble.  Fingers crossed Ben sleeps..

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