Tunnel vision
One of the joys of discovering Blip is being exposed to such a variety of creativity. Most days I browse 10–20 pages of the images streaming in and take a moment to reflect on why I’m attracted more to some than to others. It has made me more aware of my tunnel vision that somehow closed in over the years.
Maybe in part my unwelcome hood was encouraged by 9 years of science training followed by 45 years of science research: there we were encouraged to focus sharply, narrow the plot, go deep rather than broad, break the world into isolated bits, set a goal for where you want to go … and don’t start something you are unlikely to finish. All of these are powerful strategies for discovery. But a gentler process of a random walk with a camera through a beautiful world is beginning to reveal surprise, mystery and old things seen in a new way. I am enjoying not knowing quite where I’m going, and best of all, not caring where I end up.
Some of the Blip artists drew me back again and had me rummaging in their galleries-of-pixels-past. I’m grateful for their examples of seeing and showing in a much freer spirit than I have been able to muster with a camera so far. Some have also engaged in dialogue, which for me is way more of a privilege than stars or occasional ‘Favourites’ (even though I’m grateful for the latter as well).
There are many of you out there that I would like to emulate. Today’s blip reflects some baby steps in the direction often taken particularly by ‘DBR60’ and ‘Chavdad’, and sometimes by ‘Kersko’, ‘LesleyAlsford’. Hopefully I will learn how to add a pinch of ‘PoorTraits’s intriguing essence along the way too.
The first Blip marking my attempt to break out is this ICM taken within the Rhododendron Dell of Dunedin Botanic Garden today … it tries to reflect my hope that I’m about to break out of my tunnel vision in that top left corner in at least some of my future Blips.
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