The fruitful hedge.

A wonderful day of sunshine.  I abandoned plans and went off in the car to photograph a hill with lots of larch trees. Unfortunately they hadn't turned colour enough but on I went following a road I haven't been on in ages.  There were so many photo opportunities on it that after a while I gave up and just enjoyed the scenery.  Sun is forecast for tomorrow so I'll go back. Spent time later in the garden planting up a couple of containers.  I'll  have to go to the garden centre tomorrow. More bulbs are needed and some plants too.  I was interrupted while I was writing this by Emma, carrying Elmo in her arms and in tears.  He's dead. She found him in the Wendy house lying beside a dead bird and wanted me to check that he really was dead. I used a mirror to see if he was breathing but I didn't think he was and I was right.  He's only about eighteen months old which makes it worse, She's really upset and Courtney is too.  I feel so sorry for them especially as Elmo was young and doesn't seem to have been injured or in an accident. Losing a much loved pet is so upsetting. One tries to comfort but remembering my own losses I know how pointless that is.

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