Kissing Cousins.....

A busy morning.
The annual big rodeo to get 90 heifers down off the hill and into the sheds. It went more or less to plan and just managed to beat the forecast rain and wind which appeared on cue at lunch time .
A wet and windy afternoon,still blowing a hoolie tonight.
Down the road to feed the Hereford heifers this afternoon. Will really need to get them hauled home soon. It's like running the gauntlet to get through the mud with the feeding before they get me flattened.
Called in to my contractor pal to see if I could scrounge a shot of his tele handler next week as we hope to get the mobile bruiser in to do some barley. A quick coffee then home to feed things before it got too dark. I wish they would leave the clocks alone,nearly dark by 5 pm already !

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