Tiny Tuesday ...

... my lovely model, Kiera.

I had something all together planned for today's Tiny Tuesday but when I saw my lovely Kiera sitting so pretty in my chair it had to be her.  If you look at the camera info you will see that this a true macro as I had the macro lens on at the time. I've converted most of the picture ... with the exception of her eyes and tiny nose ... to mono. 

My other idea didn't work as planned.  There has been a tiny spider taking up residence in my bathroom and he/she was going to be my first choice.  I know I should have 'swept' him/her out of the bathroom before now but it's not taking up that much space!  And I don't have the heart to move him/her!  

I'm happy to report that we have been seeing at least one chipmunk still coming around for their winter peanuts.  I believe the front yard chippy has begun her hibernation as the two I've see in the past couple of days have come from the back of our property.  I've added one such cutie in the Extras.  

Thanks to davidc for hosting Tiny Tuesday this month.  

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