Sue Foll's picture of the day

By POD2008

Sun hats, Portobello Market

Fridays seem to be developing a routine to them (at least when I'm not working).

A walk to Notting Hill, followed by lunch somewhere nice with Weef and an afternoon visiting art gallerys.

Today I saw both Diane Arbus shows at Timothy Taylors two sites. The early work in the Carlos Place Gallery was a revelation, demonstrating the added dimension of actually seeing the real print close up, compared to viewing it in a book I had a long conversation with the gallery curator about the woman standing behind the Boy with the hand grenade, resulting in her digging out the contacts. We concluded the woman was a dog walker and not his mother standing in the background.

After lunch we revisited the Gerhard Richter and discovered even more layers and stories in what Richter intended to be paintings absent of personality.

There followed a stunning collection of paintings of Saint Fabiola by Francis Alys. All the same composition, every one by a different artist.

And finally to Annely Juda to see David Hockney bring a little Californian sunshine to Yorkshire landscape (via photoshop).

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