My latest toy

This is a Zoom Loom, which is a 4"x4" pin loom. It is a much improved version of the Weave-It and Weavette looms of the past. It is much easier to hold on to, and easier to weave on. I have always enjoyed weaving, and have a couple of rigid heddle looms and a large tapestry loom. I would love to have a floor loom, but don't have the space for it. They take up huge amounts of space. This one weaves four inch squares which you sew together into scarves, placemats, runners, clothing, and anything else you can imagine. I think these squares are going to grow up to be a table runner. It is very portable and fun to weave on. They are made by Schacht Spindle Company, so are top quality, and are all the rage in yarn shops across the US. The yarn I am using is Berroco Boboli.

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