
By Wildwood

Tufted Puffin

Our last day in Corvallis with Anne and Harold wasn't in Corvallis. We drove to "The Coast" as they say in Oregon, or "The Beach" as we Californians say,. through more bucolic views of farmlands, gentle rivers and covered bridges. The woodlands are being invaded by two non-native species--blackberries and Scotch Broom. It seems like every area has its battles with unwanted plants--the very same plants that are nurtured and coaxed into life in other areas. One person's weed is another person's treasure....

The Oregon coastline is beautiful and dramatic.  Cliffs drop down to deserted white beaches from places with names like  Devil's Punchbowl and Cape Foulweather.  Since we have had glorious weather since we got here, it was difficult to picture the foul weather part although Anne and Harold assured us , from personal experience, that it was aptly named by Captain James Cook  in 1778.

There are some spectacular bridges along this coastline as well.  We admired the  Yaquina  Bridge spanning the harbor of the same name and framing a lovely marina full of sailboats. There is another elegant bridge at Wedderburn. We had a wonderful seafood lunch with another spectacular view, this one of Depoe Bay.

My mother grew up in Oregon and OilMan's mother lived in the small coastal town of Gold Beach, so I have spent a lot of time along the Oregon coast, but I have never experienced the beautiful weather and wonderful food that we enjoyed today in the vicinity of Newport.

After lunch we visited The Oregon Coast Aquarium, a low key place with some wonderful exhibits and lots of friendly volunteers waiting to answer questions. I had a hard time choosing today's picture from the plethora I took, but this Tufted Puffin was the winner because I love puffins and have never seen a tufted one.....

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