Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Playing safe

I was barely awake this morning - well, sitting in bed drinking tea - when I found myself obsessively checking weather (and especially wind) forecasts and texting the two friends I'd planned the mad trip to Lewis with. The upshot of it is we've tried to be grown-up and sensible, and have called it off. We didn't like the idea of having to look for B&B in Ullapool in the dark and wet and the 41mph gusts of wind - and we didn't like the idea of our dear friend on the island worrying about us. We shall Zoom instead.

That dealt with, I was free to go off to my painting class for the first time in weeks; I think I've had a success with my cypress trees in that they all look suitably shaggy and shaded. It was fun to sit and talk and paint, though I had to keep reminding the person with whom I was sharing a table not to thump it vehemently when I was painting a line ...

The afternoon passed in Italian, dinner, somehow jiggering the internet radio so that it won't play the BBC (eg normal stuff) after I connected my phone wirelessly to play Leonard Cohen while I was cooking. I'm not popular right now.

I did however sing well at choir practice, another lopsided one because of non-attendances, though two people we'd thought were still on holiday/just setting off on one are actually back/not away yet. I took the photo above as I was waiting for Himself to open the church hall door; I was looking up the road and realised that for all that it was raining slightly the moon was showing, though vanishing behind yet another bank of cloud. 

Apparently the weather will be pretty grim here tomorrow too. Deep joy.

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