Circular Cat

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

This is my last week on Team Jess and a sense of finality is settling over me. Mostly because I also spent a lot of today applying for contracts elsewhere.

The good news is that the responses I've had from agents so far have been swift and encouraging. Hopefully I'll find something fairly soon, over Briar's vocal objections.

Speaking of Briar, today she was forced to go to an Organisational Improvement Day which is possibly not as much fun as I make it sound. 

In Team Jess, we have a Teams sub-channel called "Circular Cats" which is basically just pictures of cats with the odd alpaca because Briar is very undisciplined. 

So this image which Briar sent me perhaps illustrates that her mind was on our sub-channel, and NOT on improving ANY organisations today.

It made me laugh anyway.


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