
By mindful_life


I arrived home from work today to a magazine delivery ‘Mindful’. I wasn’t expecting it and don’t know why it has turned up at my house. I have previously purchased the online versions of the magazine but not the print. The biggest print on the front is Gratitude so time to pause for thought about gratitude and what I am grateful for.

When I did my mindfulness course at the Oxford Mindfulness Centre pre covid, we practiced gratitude regularly. Encouraged each night before sleep to reflect on things to be grateful for.

I am very grateful this magazine turned up and will read it from cover to cover. It seems very timely right now.

I managed my run this morning, dodging the debris that had fallen from the trees in the strong winds over night, which wasn’t easy in the darkness at 5.30am.

Today I took time in my lunch break to meditate. I found a quiet room and sat for 15 minutes in the quiet. The time actually flew by and I didn’t struggle so much today, which I’m really pleased about. Consistency is key. It is better to meditate every day, even if only a short amount of time, than to practice once every now and again.

So today I am grateful for:

My wonderful friends that are always a great support
To be able to run every day
For my health - mental and physical
My children
My little pup who is always happy to see me.

Happy Tuesday…

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