
What a difference in just six days, from lamenting my lack of sewing to a day dedicated entirely to it!

Partly because of the fun I had sewing a bird with Anne yesterday and partly because I felt bad when I described my patchwork project as having a brief hiatus but mostly because the first thing I saw on Facebook today was a post about Kath Whyte I felt inspired to sew.

I started with some research looking at quilts and embroidery stitches and adding them to Pinterest. I dug out my old needlework book and my copy of Kath Whyte's book "Design in Embroidery" and challenged myself to be more creative and exciting in adding details to the centre square of my quilt blocks.

I spent my first hour sewing up some more blocks on the machine. All the pieces are cut and ordered ready for sewing and I'm at 20/36 finished squares. The next 8 hours were spent sewing by hand, I had so much fun and love the results. I only managed 3 designs in that time but they are crackers and I'm delighted with them, as is Freya. I might be tempted to revisit the ones I considered finished as I've refreshed my thinking and remembered lots of stitches I'd forgotten I could do.

It will be a wee while before I have this much time to devote to it again as both work and the weekends are a bit busy at the moment. There's another long weekend to look forward to though and maybe my rediscovered sewing mojo will keep me going.

Carlos is off to London to work in the morning so will be a strange couple of days without him.

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