Wells harbour

High tide

Little did I know when I took this that the day would soon go tits up.
My sister and I walked down to the beach and the new Lifeboat station. We then had a bit of a rush as she was going on to work. We went up to the post office so I could send the physical version of the Letter of Intent to the old landlord, recorded delivery. Then we popped in to the Deli for some croissants and headed home.
A quick coffee and then I started off to give her a lift to her car, parked at the other end of town. The car made a dreadful noise and we realised a tyre was flat. I couldn’t stop where I was without blocking the narrow road so drove on and still had to park on double yellows. We rushed out and legged it to her car so she could get away to get to work on time.
I headed back to my car and looked for my purse with my recovery card. No sign. Walked back to the house thinking it must be there. No sign. Back to the Deli to see if it was there. No sign. Panic. Rang the bank to cancel the card. Struggled to get through the security questions...didn’t know my NI number. Managed to get the card cancelled in the end but asked what I could do in the meantime, on holiday on my own. Nothing. More panic - I wondered what on Earth I would have done if I’d gone to Cornwall or Scotland. At least here, I could call on M&R or my sister.
Back to the car and started to try to sort the temporary spare wheel. Luckily, an angel called David passed and asked if I wanted a hand. He had it sorted in no time. My hero!
So back to the house to hunt for the purse. I scoured the car, the house, the car, the house, pockets, bags, the bin, texted my sister to see if it slipped in with her stuff, back to the Deli, back home, the house, the car.
Eventually I found it. It has slipped so far back and got lost amongst the crud in the back that I’d moved so I could get at the spare wheel. I told the Deli and rang the bank who were able to reinstate my old card. Then I looked at tyre places and sorted somewhere to go tomorrow to get it sorted.
By this time, I was knackered and drained. I’d covered miles.
I went for a late marsh wander and then headed over to M&R’s for a very lovely meal.

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