Woe is me!
No photos today, so a snap of a picture in my bathroom! A rather ironic one, although it didn’t hit me until I posted it.
Today has been the worst. If you don’t want to read a woe is me tale, just skip my blip today! Not that I can put it into or words. I started with that awful nagging stomach pain again, it seems to come and go in varying degrees, but rough this morning. I phoned the surgery for the results - all clear, so what the hell is it then?
I had noticed a couple of times over the weekend that I wasn’t receiving calls properly (yes, on my lovely new phone) but assumed it was just the signal and as I have Wi-Fi, I didn’t take much notice. But, when Liam called this morning, it took him a few attempts to get through, and then the call just failed anyway. We gave up. Once at work, where I don’t have Wi-Fi in the office I realised I had no data either. Sometimes an E would pop up, and sometimes one signal bar, but nothing more. When I went over to the EC where there is Wi-Fi, the phone pinged away with messages and missed calls that I hadn’t received.
Liam, who was at Blue water popped into the Apple store for advice. Solution - make an appointment and come in with the phone. Working all week, Bluewater a couple of hours drive from home. I was beginning to feel overwhelmed. Back in the office, I spent a couple of hours creating a document and then, when it asked if I wanted to save it, clicked No! What was wrong with me?
I drove home, feeling so low. New glasses that I can’t see out of, new phone that doesn’t make or take calls, stomach that hurts but has nothing wrong with it! And all solutions so totally overwhelming.
I put the film on and basically cried most of the evening. I felt better for a while after a chat with my brother, who is coming at the weekend and will look at the phone, but still keep finding the tears are rolling without me even realising! I think the ‘forever’ registered. And all this anxiety and overwhelming feeling of ‘I can’t do it’ is so alien to me.
Enough, tomorrow will be a better day - please!
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