shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka

Bollywood in Iceland

Backblipping a recent trip to Iceland. What a country! Today's trip was along the south coast as far as Vik, and included the obligatory stops at Seljalandsfoss, Skógafoss, Dyrhólaey and, of course, Reynisfjara beach. We were not alone anywhere, my local friend was very surprised at exactly how many tourists there were, but on the beach, we were surprised by blaring Bollywood music as we approached. It turned out that the beach was hosting a location shoot. The poor actress was freezing, though you wouldn't know it from this or any other shot when the camera's were running, but in between crew ran in with big jackets and blankets to try and keep her warm as it as a really cold day.
Do have a lot at the extras for a few more shots from the day.

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