Pumpkin carving. All a bit last minute but got them done in the end.
Spent another day at the yard. Planned to whizz over buddy's clip again then do Jack. Had nearly finished Buddy and my new clippers stopped working. This is only the second clip they've done. So now got the hassle of sending them back. So annoyed. Luckily I still have the old ones so I managed to finish him off with those. Then had to start on Jack. Old clippers tend to overheat a bit so I had to keep stopping and letting them cool so it took ages. Jack is such an angel to clip though.
Got finished in time for lessons with Ruth for both me and Eva. Eva did lots of exercises to help get Jack listening. If he was a human he'd have his fingers in his ears saying "la la la" when she puts her leg on. He got very zoomy in canter though!
I did lots of exercises to help loosen Buddy up- turn on the forehand, turn about the forehand (yes there's a difference apparently!) and leg yielding. Got to work on keeping upper body Stiller when applying leg aids- stop flapping at him!
Nearly dark by the time we'd done all the jobs. Flippin clock change. Why do we do it?!
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