off the ball

D eats once a day and I eat twice - and at lunchtime, he sits with me and draws (he also draws at dinner time or coffee time or anytime at all, really, and usually trees).

It's been quite a wet day, but I did manage to get some gardening done, collecting windfall apples and then collecting the leaves of the Virginia Creeper which are falling thick and fast against the house. I put the leaves on the bare earth of my veg patch, to keep down weeds and add nutrients to the soil for next year's crop.

I went into town to see Joe this afternoon. I drove D's wee car as it needed petrol. Sarah drove it all last year and she re-tuned the radio to BBC Scotland, and I never changed it back to Radio 4. Sundays are my favourite - I don't even like football but I love listening to the banter on "Off the Ball" - "the most petty and ill-informed football show on the radio." Then on the drive home I had the absolute pleasure of listening to "Your Requests with Gary Innes". Thank you Sarah!

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