Pink tulips
I, er, am SICK! It's the cough that my colleague had on Tuesday. Argh. I woke early, had my breakfast and was showered by 8 AM. Then I realised I just didn't have the energy to do anything, so went to bed. Hours later, G came home to find me still there. I organised for the local pharmacy to deliver a cough syrup and some lozenges and then spent most of the day sleeping either in my bed or on the sofa.
Much later in the evening, I did manage to switch on the work laptop and do some invoices. I think I lasted an hour before calling it a day. I don't think I have ever gone this long without switching on my own personal laptop. I think the last time was Tuesday. Yikes!
And that was Friday. My blip is a photograph I took when shopping for ham yesterday. For BCAM, could I ask you to please, click on this link to help towards free mammograms? Thank you.
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