Horror Man & Bunny Girl

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

I didn't have much time to be sad about the Princess leaving. Today was Manda's birthday party/Halloween party. 

Her birthday was actually over a week ago, but she decided to postpone the celebrations because she looooooooves Halloween. 

Also it is Tiger's birthday and they were going to do a joined party - unfortunately he just came down with pneumonia, which put an end to THAT plan. 

Nevertheless, Caro and I decided to get into the spirit and get ourselves costumed up. I went to The Warehouse and got myself a Michael Myers outfit. 

No, wait, wait, sorry. I'm being told that for copyright reasons it was NOT a Michael Myers outfit. It is a "Horror Man" outfit. 

To be honest it was a bit sh*t. The mask was cruddy and it didn't come with a weapon. So then we went to the dollar shop and picked up an adorable little pretendy plastic chainsaw and a "Jason" mask. 

No. Wait, wait. I'm being told it's a "Justin" mask. 

Caro had a harder time of it. She had to combine various items in the end to transform herself into a Bunny Girl.

And here's the thing. I know it's stupid. And I'm responding to decades of sexist conditioning but...


I can't help it! She just DID! With her cute little ears and fluffy tail I just wanted to give her big hugs and all of my money. 

I'm a victim of 20th century male culture. It is not my fault.

The party itself was a hoot. Shenée was also there in a Squid Games outfit, Jefe dressed as a space cowboy from "Firefly" and Manda was a glamour witch.

Although we all agreed that Mo did it best. He hired a very impressive velvet cape and wore his kilt.

"I'm McDracula," he said. 

(See the extras).

As usual talk turned to filth very quickly and we played Cards Against Humanity again. Jade (Manda and Jefe's flatmate) is particularly funny to play with. She announces the potential answers with great disdain and also tells off everyone who she thinks supplied the answer.

"Sex with a donkey," she'll say. "Manda, you need to wake up to yourself... German dungeon porn... Jeff you need to re-evaluate your life choices mate... Explosive diarrhoea up the wall... Symon you are SO predictable...."

She's right. I am. I think we all know that. 

Toward the end of the evening, Jefe announced he was going to tell his story about the police. "My cop story," as he put it. 

"Your WHAT? Your COCK story??" asked Manda, mishearing. 

"No, no, that's too big of a story. Wayyyyy big... maybe later," he responded.

"I think I've heard that story," I said. "It IS very long but it has a sad end." 

I know that was VERY naughty of me, but it made him laugh. 

I think he forgave me. 

Caro and I caught a taxi home in the middle of a horrid cold rainy blustery night. All the same we made it home in good time and went to bed happy. 

Tomorrow we are doing NOTHING. Neither of us can wait.


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