Lala's Journal

By Lala

Unexpected day

I had an appointment this morning in town to check out the glasses that I have been struggling with. Before I left however my new friend Anne messaged to ask if I had any plans for the rest of the day. When I replied in the negative she asked if I fancied a walk in the park at Ashford afterwards because she ‘needed to get out’! Fabulous, because all I was going to do was wander the house looking at all the jobs I should do, but have no motivation for! Not only that but I didn’t even know there was a park! 

The opticians examined my glasses and they were fine, but she too was surprised at the huge change in prescription and has booked me in for a re test. 

Victoria Park is lovely, and right by the car park. We had a lovely meander round, looking at the ongoing improvement works. I will definitely go back, especially when the new wetlands area and cafe are finished! Dogs allowed, and off lead too, so I think I’ll have to take Dog! We had a nice up market sandwich lunch and long chat before heading home.  

Earlier I had walked Dog at the front, and taken photos to compare the camera in my new phone. Loving it, there is a good close up of the harbour in my collage. 

Thanks E for your message this evening, maybe I’ll turn comments back on sometime!

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