
By HareBrain

Arts Festival

The Craft Fair today was one of the many events taking place this past week and weekend for The Drayton Arts Festival and which my #1 daughter, FrenchFriend and I took part in.  In the collage my stall  is (top and bottom right)  and I’m glad to say that I did very well with sales of my wares, mostly needlefelting, cards and pictures. #1 daughter also did well with her pottery and FrenchFriend too with her lovely Polymer jewellery and abstract art cards (bottom middle).  The Fair was held in our local Secondary School where my daughters and grandchildren attended many years ago and where their Father was the music teacher – lots of memories came flooding back.

Our town is ‘The Home of Gingerbread’ and the Gingerbread man came to check us out (bottom middle) Also someone from the Town Council (bottom left) who apart from being a Councillor is also a Tailor and has a newly opened tailoring shop in town, which I shall just have to visit!

It has been a busy week, I’m looking forward to a rest tomorrow, as I’m sure all the organisers and helpers of the Arts Festival will too, they do a marvellous job, and I congratulate them all.

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