living in a glass house

By DandelionTree


That's what the Mr. says he looks like. I think he's adorable, if a tiny bit countrified. The weather was magnificent today so there was a lot of playing outside (which means a lot of mess). I put the tuff spot out and tried to make gloop but realized very soon I didn't have enough corn starch. I thought I would try flour instead. It was a sticky gooey mess and will not be a repeated science experiment! There are still clumpy bits attached to the concrete outside. Anyway, cleaning up messes was pretty much the theme of the day. Sand, mud, goo- there was just a lot of it, everywhere! I love the littlies getting the opportunity for messy play but my excitement ends after about the third change of clothes. Or some time before. I can't remember.

This shot was taken away from the carnage of out back garden, on a later walk to the park.

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