
By minniemouse1966

Last Day

We were up early this morning as we wanted to make the most of our last day in Disney we walked to the park and left our cases in guest services and set of into the park H is a huge fan of Stitch so we joined the queue to meet him but it was so long and we were hardly moving we decided to go and do something else so we didn't waste anymore time H and A went to the ride Space Mountain and me and M headed to meet Malificent we then headed over to try and see Jack Skellington but the queue was again huge and they had closed the lines. A quick stop for a brunch /lunch before our last couple of rides and character meetings, we then had a Mickey shaped ice cream you can't visit Disney and not have one, time to leave but as we got to Main Street there was Mickey's Halloween Celebration Show taking place so we managed to catch this an added bonus. Finally we left the park to go to the station and catch the Eurostar to London where we stayed overnight. Had a super break but tiring missing Disney already but have lots of happy memories now to start saving for the next one.

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