
By Beewriter

Capesthorne Hall

Mary and Jude called round today and said they were going to Capesthorne Hall today. Sian had thrown the idea into the arena yesterday when she came round with a bunch of tulips for me. The weather was glorious and so we set off. There was a little craft fair on and you could go on a bluebell walk through the woods. If you had a fairy costume on you could go for free...sadly my fairy dress is at the cleaners.

I've never been to Capesthorne before, it is a magnificent building and the grounds are stunning. We had a cuppa and a cake in the sunshine then headed off for the blubell woods. They are only just coming out and so there will be a perfect haze of blue in a week or so. There were one or two little fairies flitting about too.

There was even a miniature train ride ...boys and their toys!

I had bought a bottle of champagne this morning and left it chilling in the fridge. I took it round to Pat's this afternoon as she had baked one of her delicious birthday cakes for me. Champagne and cake in the sunshine...who could ask for more. I do love spreading out the birthday celebrations.

I didn't get to the cricket yesterday, but there is another match on now so I think I will go and see what's happening. I live close enough to hear it but not too close for it to be annoying. I love Bank Holidays...shame I have to go back into work tomorrow.

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