Clearing (Day 2728)

There was a little bit to do at the delayed bathroom re-fit this morning. It was one of those jobs that can either go really well and very quickly or it can be niggly and annoying and take hours. Surprisingly I was done very quickly, and with nothing else planned for the day, I headed home.
I was off out again soon after with my beautiful wife to drop off her car at the garage, then to Stromness to move the horses to new grazing. Typically the heavens opened as we struggled to load George into the trailer. He seemed happier to stand around getting soaked than to go into the trailer where he would be out of the rain and there was a bucket of feed. When we eventually got him loaded, the rain eased off.
I left HV supervising the horses in the new field while I dropped the trailer back at the farm steading, stopping to snap a shot of the clearing skies over Hoy.
Back home for lunch, then a wander out with Sigyn while HV zoomed off to work.

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