Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

A lovely day today

A swim in bumpy waters at 8am with 5 hollerin wimmin. It was great

Then a Gourmet Cafe big breakfast and then into the lovely Chinese guy on the Main Street to show me how to use the hotspot thing on my phone. He is most obliging and wouldn’t take any payment.

And as I came out of a ladies clothes shop after buying this gorgeous burgundy velvet top with these gothic sleeves, who came walking by only one of my musical heroes, the great Ronan O’Snodaigh from Kila. Well I coughed, I stammered, I swooned …

Em excuse me could I take a photo of you.

Of me he said, coyly. Why would you want to sez he and he smiled his winning reticent smile. Because I love your magical music I said. Ah go way sez he. (This means OK in Ireland) and he posed. On a lovely morning in Bray, with our Main Street in the background. I was beyond delighted. He is after all the king of bodhran playing

This is a solo performance but his band is called Kila and he lives in Bray

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