A time for everything

By turnx3

Glorious morning walk!

It was such a beautiful day today, I decided to head over to Miami Whitewater Forest, another of the Hamilton County Parks, but its over on the west side, so takes longer to get to, so I dont go there so often. I went fully equipped with the DSLR, my bigger lens and even remembered the binoculars! And I wasnt disappointed. I wandered around the lake near the harbor area first, where I saw a snake in the water and a bunch of golfinches up in a tree, then I headed out on the Shaker Trace trail for a mile or so. The Shaker Trace trail is a 7.8 mile loop that goes out into the countryside - we have biked on it several times. Along here I saw quite a number of birds, including an Indigo Bunting and a Baltimore Oriole. The Indigo Bunting I got a couple of pictures of. The Baltimore Oriole I was just about to take a picture, when a lady and her big dog came along and the dog went splashing in the stream, and the bird flew off! I also photographed this bird, and I was hoping someone could tell me what it is. I'm thinking maybe an immature tree swallow? I found a picture on the web, which is pretty similar, but the picture in my birding guide seems quite different, so I'm puzzled and none the wiser!

This weekends a long weekend - Monday is Memorial Day, so Roger and I are taking our pop-up camper away to Amish country for the weekend. So I'll catch up after the weekend. Have a great weekend everyone, long one or not!

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