
My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

So the day before Caro comes home is always busy. 

Look, I don't want you to get the wrong impression here. I see you, rolling your eyes at me, assuming I've done nothing but sit in my pants for a week, eating take out, and rolling around in filth.

Au contraire! That was only 75% of the time!

All the same, I like things to be nice for Caro coming home. And so I always blitz the house and do all the things so everything is clean and nice and tidy for when she walks through the door. 

She always finds something anyway. Because I am a boy and therefore don't get down to the level of wiping up individual dirt molecules. 

But I make an effort, and it is appreciated. 

This time it is EVEN WORSE THOUGH because THE PRINCESS arrives in Wellington tomorrow. So I had to TIDY UP FOR TWO OF THEM.

I've just sat down and am exhausted. 

They are still both bound to find something. 

And careful where you put that dirty bum, Digi!!

Dammit, fetch a cloth....


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