Scudding Clouds

Blurb will follow in due course!

Which will be now!

I'm making an effort to get up at the same time as I would in summer otherwise I lose at least an hour of the day.. It's so much harder to get up on colder, duller mornings..

But when I looked out of the kitchen window I saw small clouds on shades of grey and pink racing across the sky. I know I've taken shots like this before, but it made such a lovely start to the day and I knew further blip opportunities may be thin on the ground.* 

I have another Double Day today. Last night Hekmat called me at home time and asked me to work tonight. He is apparently in London, and will be tonight too. I'm also roped in for Sunday too as he says a family member has passed away. As a family they have been very unfortunate, this is their third bereavement within a year. He has been spending a lot of time in London lately as he has family there, and has said he'd like to move there. 

Anyhow, I've been to my Dad's. He's OK. He'd been to the doctors for his flu jab, given by his favourite nurse. She also dressed a wound on his leg which wasn't healing - a result of his recent fall from the apple tree, and he has an appointment with her for next week to check on it. 

Soon I'll be heading off to work. I'm doing this in Caffe Nero. Going for a coffee seems like less of a treat now it's a part of the weekly work routine..

We have been very busy the last two nights, as Mondays and Tuesdays go. Hope tonight will be also. Then I'm definitely off for three nights! (I hope that won't be famous last words!

*As it happened, if I had taken my camera I could have photographed a squirrel posing on the fence of a field, or golden leaves showering down from tall trees and shimmering in the sunlight. Doing justice to the second option may have been a bit beyond my capabilities anyway!

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