
I started putting my entry together a couple of hours ago, but then I had the news that, rather than being a donation that might be spent over more than the proposed two years, I may have to spend our $420k in 18 months. Of course, I've cried "foul", but I might have to start being creative in finding useful activity that can be tied to the donation's aims. As well as "having" to walk Django, to opportunity to go out and think whilst walking him - even on the wet, dark streets of Penicuik - was welcome. Unfortunately, when I returned, I reopened Chrome and lost the entry that I was composing. 

Earlier, I'd had an email about the eclipse when it was happening, and had just managed to make a pinhole filter, when the sun that had been such a joy when I set out with Django, decided that it was time to be overtaken by a bank of cloud. Unfortunately, I'd not take a decent photo by then, so here's a view out across Penicuik to the Pentlands.

After that, I'd had a busy day of programming, as I worked on fixes prompted by bug requests from the first users of our new release. Irritating in a way, but it all adds to the quality of what we produce.

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