A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Evening walk

Long day - but a good day. Long chat with one of my students (who was the root cause of my stress on Tuesday!) - an apology and a promise to try really hard, catch up and try to do what's right - and genuine look of horror when I told the person in question how they had made me feel...if they said sorry once, they said it five times! Restored my faith somewhat.

Came home, after teaching all day and then detentions after school, when to Asda, bought lamb leg steaks and marinaded them in ginger, chilli and soy sauce. Slow cooked in the oven, served with wholemeal pitta and yoghurt dressing made with fresh mint from the garden, and a big pile of salad. Healthy and tasty. (Whilst at Asda I also spent a few quid on new undies...a treat for myself ;-) )

After watching Grand Designs, drove over to Marbury Park and arrived about 8.30pm. Spent an hour mooching round, watching the herons swooping over the lake and getting bitten to buggery by the midges.

Home, brew, an hour sorting through 200 photos, HDR merging, editing and now waiting for the ones I have done to upload. Marbury Park series here

Bathtime and bed. And a wee dram.

Break up tomorrow - can't wait.

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