Allotment 2022 onwards

By misetak

One man and his dog

The man in question is my brother and the dog is Jack, a rather elderly cockerpoo.
I am staying at my aunt's house as my sister has a houseful and had run out of beds.  My aunt is also my godmother and has been significant presence all my life, so it was lovely to spend a bit more time with her this visit.  She is 95 and still has a mischievous sense of humour.
There then followed a whirl of visits, pancakes brunch with my sister's family for brother-in-law's birthday, morning coffee at my uncle's with a visiting cousin thrown in as an extra, fish and chips for lunch back at my aunt's and then off for a walk with my brother and Jack. Back to their house for a cup of tea and chat and then back to my aunt's for a light supper of scrambled egg and smoked salmon. It is useful to have most of my family in one place, but it can be a bit exhausting fitting them all into a weekend.

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