Where are we going!

Over to collect the kitties to take them to the cattery for a few days whilst R is away working. 

Hobbs, the poppet on the right is a bit stressed at present. He was out big game hunting or something on Saturday evening and returned home minus his collar and in a state. He was really panicked and didn’t want to be cuddled or fussed, which is not like him. 

They were asleep on the settee when I picked them up and I got lots of purrs from Calvin, but nothing from Hobbs. We’ve no idea what had happened but do hope that he settles soon.

The day continued to be busy. Over to the opticians to replace the nose pad that fell off B’s specs. They were only replaced on Friday !!! Then out to U3A activities this afternoon, table tennis for B and needles and natter for me. 

French fish pie for dinner was needed and well received. 

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