A Walk Among the Stones

Luckily, the rain held off and I was able to attend the annual Spirits Alive event at the Eastern Cemetery in Portland.  I went a bit early so I could visit my ancestors, Capt. Nathaniel Dyer, my 5th great grandfather and his daughter Rebecca, married to Capt. Benjamin Howell my 4th great grandfather, and his two granddaughters, Emily and Mary.  Only Emily and Capt. Dyer's stones are still intact, sadly.  Capt. Howell sailed one of Dyer's ships named after his daughter, the Rebecca, and died of yellow fever in the West Indies in 1827.  Later, the spirits of 7 Portland residents who died untimely deaths, like Benjamin, spoke of their lives.  One was Capt. Jacob Adams the skipper of the ill-fated schooner, Charles, who was wrecked on the rocks near Portland.  The captain made it safely to shore with most of the crew and passengers but when he saw that some remained on the sinking ship, he went back to try to rescue them.  He was swept away and was drowned.  I am sure Capt. Dyer new Adams.  Perhaps Adams was sailing one of the schooners Dyer built in his shipyard in Portland.  We'll never know.  Soon we will celebrate Samhain, All Saints Day and All Souls Day.  It is a time to remember those who went before us and on whose shoulders we stand.  I do this every year.

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