Mono Monday But not monochrome!
Tricky one to achieve which is what the challenge was about.
I have tried Blue and Yellow and there will always be a bit of white in there.
The hockey matches of yesterday produced several finals today including the one Blipped where the "Yellows" won the day.
It's been an interesting experiment with colour and I'm looking forward to seeing your interpretations. I have attached the definition below.
I made my usual care home visit with Kasper this morning and took some of Kasper's coat for one of the residents to have around her bird feeder she was quite pleased to have it as her afternoon entertainment.
MM 457 Monochrome this term is is usually taken to mean the same as black and white or grayscale but it may also be used to refer to other combinations of a single colour. Let's have a go at finding varying tones of a single colour.
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